Law and Patent Firm
Our Law and Patent Firm is managed by a patent attorney Alicja Iżykowska.
Her license number on the patent attorneys roll, led by The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland is 3202. On the European Trade Mark and Design Attorneys roll led by The Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market her license number is 32750.
Alicja Iżykowska has graduated as a Master of Science at University of Wrocław (faculty of Law) and Wroclaw University of Economics (Industrial Economy Engineering faculty). She has also post-graduated in Economic Criminal Law at University of Wrocław and Industrial Property Rights at Jagielloński University.
Law and Patent Firm specializes in any legal cases connected with obtaining, maintaining, execution and vindication of right related to the objects of industrial property as well as with legal proceedings, licensing and advising.
We cooperate with intellectual property specialists and experts who specialize in other fields.